
Ibaraki prefectural archives and history museum in Mito
Photo by Akira Satou
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Important Dates

Contribution Procedure

Abstract Submission Deadline
December 26, 2024

Abstract (300 words, no figures) shall be prepared by December 26, 2024, using the template below. The preferred format is MS Word. Authors are kindly invited to submit the abstracts. Submitting multiple abstracts is possible for one person (Please check the registration page for the registration fees). Submitting the abstract, authors could choose either “to write the full paper of 12 pages maximum” or “to write the extended abstract of 2 pages maximum” as the next writing step. If authors select to “write extended abstract,” some “motivated” reason is required in the submission.

The accepted abstract should have at least one registration to present in the workshop. Please note that one registration is only valid for a paper/extended abstract.

Template Download


Full paper
Extended abstract

Draft Paper Submission Deadline
April 18, 2025

The draft paper shall be submitted by April 18, 2024, using the template below. The page limit of a full paper is 12 pages maximum, including tables, figures, and references. The designated author is required to give an oral presentation for each accepted paper.

Template Download


Final Paper or Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
September 19, 2025

After receiving peer review results, the authors shall submit their revised final paper by September 19, 2025.

The extended abstract is required to be submitted by September 19, 2025. The “extended” abstract is 2 pages maximum, including more explanation. The figures, tables, and references can be shown.

Template Download for Extended Abstract


How to Login and Submit Abstract

  1. Create new login account
    (If you already have your login account, please skip this step.)
    Open the Login page for new author and click [Create New Account] button. Please enter your personal information.
  2. Login
    After you created your login account, click [Login] button in the login page.
    (If you skipped the previous step, open the login page from the "Login" menu and enter your e-mail address and password.)
  3. Create new entry of contribution
    Open the "Author" tabbed page from the tabs at the top of page.
    Click [New Contribution] button and follow the instructions.